Wright Valley in the evening

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

December 7, 2011: First (real) snow

Today was our first real snow storm. Earlier, on December 4 we woke up to a lite dusting of snow that quickly sublimated away within a few hours. This real snow storm turned the sky white with all the snow falling down. Jen, Kate and I were out working, taking measurements of the different moraines when it started in the late afternoon. Snow continued to fall through the night. Overall I would say accumulation was between 2 and 3 cm. Not too bad, but enough snow to make walking on rocks difficult.

Image taken as the storm was overtaking us. You can see the storm front as it moves south, engulfing our entire cirque. The picture is taken looking west towards the East Antarctic Ice Sheet.

Our camp in Dipboye Cirque (Olympus Range) post-snow storm.

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