Wright Valley in the evening

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Walk to Scott Base

On Sunday Jen and I walked over to Scott Base, the New Zealand base ~3 km away. Walking to that part of Ross Island you can see glacial pressure ridges at the edge of the ice shelf. Ice pressure ridges form when two ice sheet collided and ice cracks and rises upward. The collision could result from wind or tidal forces, movement of ice via ocean currents, or heating and cooling of the ice causing it to alternately shrink and expand. In this cause, it is thought that the pressure ridges form from tidal forces.

Field of pressure ridges just to the east of Scott Base. 
Close-up of the pressure ridges in previous picture.
Fun sign at Scott Base listing distances (in kilometers) to different cities all over the world.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah Jenny! Looks fun, I love your snow wall!!

    Glad things are going well, I love your blog too BTWs!
