Wright Valley in the evening

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

First animal sighting!

The weather has been terrible here in McMurdo the last two days. Visibility was down and there were very high winds. As a result, all of the helicopter flights out to the camps have been pushed back. Since we had an extra day on our hands, Jen, Kate and I decided to go to the Ob(servation) Tube. It is a hole that has been drilled into the ice just outside of McMurdo. A shaft goes down through the ice and there is a little capsule to sit in at the bottom, below the ice and observe the aquatic wildlife. The Ob Tube is located next to several cracks in the ice where seals are likely to come up for air and rest.

Jen heading down into the Ob Tube.
Once we arrived at the Ob Tube we spotted a Weddell seal laying out on the ice. He did not move the entire time we were there. Then a few minutes later a skua flew by! They look like big brown seagulls. Apparently in McMurdo you have to be careful carrying food around. If a skua spots you carrying food he is going to try and steal it right out of your hands. 

Weddell seal laying out on the ice shelf.
Skua flying by.
Then it was my turn to head down into the Ob Tube. The observing area at the end of the tube is basically all windows. Near the bottom of one window I found a little fish hanging out. I was on the lookout for seals swimming by, but no luck. There were a bunch of fish swimming in the distance as well.

Tiny little fish near observation window.
View from bottom of Ob Tube. Lighter blue area in center of image is a crack in the sea ice where sunlight was penetrating though. I was keeping my eyes open for a seal here. Maybe next time.